Monday, March 31, 2025

PruLife UK’s Elite Protector 15 and myDNA Pro

PruLife UK, a subsidiary of the British financial services Prudential plc, provides unit-linked or investment-linked life insurance products not only in the Philippines but across the globe.

I’ve heard about PruLife for a while now, either through online websites or from friends. However, I didn’t look into it too much since I already have policies from Sun Life and Mass Mutual Asia. Nevertheless, all that changed when I saw a particular ad. I first found out about myDNA Pro when my friend Marvin, who is also a PruLife financial adviser, shared a video on Facebook.

DNA-based health program? Interesting, I thought. Incidentally, I made a resolution to live a healthier life since we are getting older. I mean, what is wealth when you can’t enjoy it for a long time right? So I sent a message to Marvin, chatted with him, and asked him to prepare a policy for me, one that would include myDNA Pro.

Personal thoughts: I’ve read a number of blogs on how to be financially sound or stable. And from there, I created a checklist of my own.

  • First would be to have an emergency fund. Some say that 5-6 months’ worth of one’s salary is sufficient. Others say it should be based on your expenses. Either way, this should be part of the allocation of your income.
  • Second would be to have an insurance and/or investment. VUL nowadays combine the two so it is much easier to have and manage them.
  • Third would be to have a fund for attaining passive income. This could either be a small franchise or a condo for rent in the future.
  • Fourth would be to have a fund towards life-long learning or personal development. This can be in the form of taking up classes, going to the gym, having a healthier lifestyle in general.
  • Lastly, the excess would go towards your travel/leisure/YOLO funds.

Doing the things above would mean pushing life’s pleasures a little later but this is just me. Feel free to switch or interchange the others around but I believe the first and second are the most important. 

PruLife UK Elite Protector 15

My financial adviser prepared the PruLink Elite Protector series for me that’s payable in 15 years. Since I wanted to avail of the myDNA Pro, I had to pay a minimum of PHP 75,000 premium annually. I thought it was doable since I don’t have much financial obligations at this time.

Note: As a rough overview, the elite protector series includes accident, death, and disability benefits, hospital income benefits, and maturity or investment benefits. For more details, you can visit the following link.

As you may or may not know, the age you get an insurance greatly affects the valuation of the benefits. Because it was a few days to my 26th birthday, my adviser and I tried to get my application approved as soon as possible. Now, I am not a beginner to various financial instruments so he didn’t need to explain a lot of things to me. We set a time and date and met near his office, filled up and signed the necessary documents, gave my credit card details, and had everything processed by the head office the following day. Luckily, the head office approved my application the same weekend. Two to three weeks later, my financial adviser received my policy and handed it over to me when I visited them over at BGC.

Note: If you are new to insurance and VULs, I highly advise you to take your time and learn about it. Ask everything you want to ask because your financial adviser is there to help you.

Aside from the hard copy of your policy, you can also view the latest details online through To register, you will need to input a number of information which can be found in your policy.

You can also check the up-to-date value of your investments through Policy Information > Your Policy Number > Financial Values. However, do be informed that the portal does not show the original unit price of your fund. As such, you will need to take note of this somewhere on your own. Likewise, you can view various personal information as well as make requests or changes through the portal.

PruLife UK myDNA Pro

Upon receipt of my policy, my agent asked me to sign an acknowledgement paper. This was needed in order to redeem the myDNA Pro kit. A few days after he submitted the paper to the office, I received an SMS and an email from PruLife and Prenetics. Simply follow the instructions in the message such as filling up the delivery details, and entering the redemption code. You will then receive a confirmation that the the kit will be delivered within 5 business days.

Air21 delivered myDNA Pro kit just one day after receiving the confirmation message. The kit is in the form of neat box just as it’s shown on their website.

It also comes with a quick start guide and instructions for returning the DNA sample.

And here’s the rest of the kit! You can see the swab as well as the container for the DNA sample.

Click here to see what I did and how I got my results!

Note: For questions or inquiries, feel free and send an email to Marvin at You can also send him a message through Facebook at!

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