Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Shinagawa’s Lasik Procedure

Shinagawa is one of the leading LASIK and aesthetics clinic in the Philippines with branches in Makati and Ortigas.

I’ve been wearing eyeglasses since Grade 3 Elementary School and it has been really inconvenient. I’m unable to do sports, watch a movie, enjoy scenery and a lot more activities without one. Let’s not even talk about wearing them under sun glasses, blind folds (Escape Rooms), and helmets! My friends have asked me why I don’t wear contact lenses instead. The reason? I’m afraid of putting things directly on my eyeballs. What if I injure myself!? Maintaining eye glasses and keeping it up-to-date can be quite costly too; more so if they are transitional or have special features such as anti-UV rays.

Hearing about Shinagawa’s LASIK procedure from friends, I decided that one day I’ll definitely get it if I’m eligible. My best friend Eden underwent the procedure while we were both in NetSuite and her results were good. My other best friend Shiela also had it and everything went well too. Currently, there’s an ongoing promo for BDO credit card and SM Advantage card holders so my sister and I immediately grabbed the chance.

LASIK Screening

Before you can proceed with Shinagawa’s LASIK procedure, you have to undergo screening. Initially, I only knew about the branch in Makati. However, after browsing their website, I noticed that they had a new branch in Ortigas. Since it was nearer, I decided to ask if LASIK screening was available there too.

During my call with Ian, a LASIK consultant, I scheduled our LASIK screening at 10:00 am in their Ortigas branch. The screening takes around 2 to 3 hours. Do note that you won’t be able to drive after the procedure. Having a driver, family, or friend to assist you during this time is important. You will also have to stop wearing contact lenses at least a week before your scheduled operation.

The screening includes a series of tests inside a bright room and another set in a dark room. Some of these tests include testing your eye grade, eye pressure, and corneal health. Once a set is done, the ophthalmologist will dilate your pupils with a solution before proceeding with a few more tests. While waiting for the solution to fully take effect, you can go out of the clinic and have a snack or relax for a bit. During this time, you might have a blurry vision and light sensitivity. Finally, an ophthalmologist will guide you through the results and lead you to another surgeon for consultation.

If you are found to be eligible right after the screening, you can already proceed with the actual operation.

LASIK Consultation

Although my sister and I were recommended the Z Prime LASIK, we decided to go for the ULTRA LASIK, currently their highest-end procedure. Aside from a shorter recovery time, ULTRA LASIK is only given to those with more difficult eye conditions. Since both my sister and I had trips a few days apart, we scheduled our actual surgery on July 14 and 21. Also, the surgical procedure is only done in their Makati branch by Senior Surgeon Jaime L. Dinglasan, Jr., M.D., DPBO.


I scheduled my procedure on July 14, Saturday at 4:00 pm. Earlier in the afternoon, one of their consultants called me and asked if I could be there at 3:30 pm and told her I was on my way. I arrived at their clinic in Makati at around 3:15 pm. I went to the receptionist and told her I was scheduled for the operation. The consultant who called me told me to get a number (3) and that there was one more test to be done before the operation.

Despite being there early, I had to wait for 3 more hours before my operation started. During this time, none of their staff gave me any updates as to what’s causing the delay. I was even the one who had to make follow-ups with the receptionist. A lot of things transpired here which really irritated me. I never thought they would be this unprofessional.

Anyway, once you’re called, you’ll be guided to a room for you to wash your face in. When this is done, you’ll be led to another room where all the other patients undergoing the operation will be. Here, you will change into slippers and wear a shower cap and a lab gown. A nurse will also hand you a post-operation kit and give you some do’s and don’ts. Be sure to follow their instructions to keep your eyes healthy!


The actual operation for Shinagawa’s LASIK procedure was quick and painless. As the nurse will explain to you, there are two phases to the operation. First is the incision. A tube will be used to suction your eyes in order to cut a flap on your cornea. During this time, all you will feel is a pressure on your eyes and nothing more. The best way I could describe this is that the feeling is similar as to when you would use a binoculars or a telescope. The second phase is where the laser will be used to correct your sight. Again, completely painless. After all that’s said and done, your eyes will be flushed with some solution. All in all, it took me less than 5 minutes per eye.

Post ULTRA LASIK, Results and After-Care

Your eyesight will be a little blurry right after the operation. Once done, you’ll be asked to go back to the waiting room for a check-up with another doctor. When cleared, you’re free to go home and will have to return the following day for a follow-up.

On my first follow-up, my test resulted in a 20/16 vision. Awesome! However, final grade can only be determined after a month, since this is when your eyes will be fully healed.

Thank you Shinagawa and good bye eye glasses!

To know more about Shinagawa, feel free to visit their website here!

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